This is me.

Yup. Totally me. It only took a swat team of professionals to make this happen. This is what I like to think I look like when I wake up, drop off the kids at school, go to the grocery store and go for a run. The reality is that when I blow dry my hair, put on make-up or wear clothes that don’t stretch, everyone asks me where I’m going.

So, I’m just your average exhausted, over-extended, hygiene-challenged mom who happens to love music. I’ve been music obsessed since I was little girl and I possess a Rain Man-like quality of being able to memorize lyrics. I feed on songs like I devour books– with an unadulterated passion.

Oh, and my kids. I love them too. They are my greatest joy, my greatest frustration, the reason showering has become optional, and they are my most perfect muses.

Since forever, I’ve taught my kids that kitchens are not only for cooking and eating, they are mainly for dancing and singing. I have used music since they were babies to lull them to sleep, quiet their crying or get them to laugh. So it only makes sense to tell my stories with a soundtrack.

This is my story. This is my sometimes fancy, often times crazy, life. My name is Kathryn and this is my Suburban Rhapsody.